Bức thư này viết vào ngày 8-1-2007, ít ngày sau khi hệ thống tàu điện ngầm ở London tăng giá vé.

My love,
You know I have been in love with you since I moved to England three months ago. So far, I don’t feel regret for it.
You are absolutely the only one I have been chosing so far in this busy and exhausting city. I have you to go with me (or I go with you) always. When I am late or I am early, you are always there, at my service. I feel luckier than many people. I feel in paradise.
What you can bring to me is something that I could not dream when I was in Vietnam. So much happiness, so much comfort, so much convinience, so much of everything.
I want to go shopping, there you are.
I want to go to school, there you are.
I want to visit friends or places, there you are.
What can I ask you more?
No, I think it would be a shame if I ask you more than that. I know enough is enough.
Then one day I discovered that you were not the same.
You have changed.
You charged me more.
5.10 pounds instead of 4.90 pounds.
Why that darling?
Why I need to pay more?
I woke me up by telling me: Everything can change, even the one that you love.
Since the moment you charged me more, I found out that I had never ever thought that you were not really as good I thought.
You are often late, or often suspended, or sometimes you don’t like running, then you stop running. You shout to me: You! Get out of me!!! How can you say that, sweetie?
Sometimes I hear you saying: “I apologies for the inconvenience”. Of course my love, I am generous. You are forgiven.
Any way, What I can say? I rely my life on you.
Sometimes you have bad smell. People drink and the smell passes on you. You don’t ever take a bath I suppose. I still love you.
Sometimes you are noisy, especially during peak-time.
Sometimes you are dirty. I feel pitiful about that. I love you more.
Sometimes you make me confused.
And before I went to Switzerland, you were the best.
Now, not any more.
The guy there is better than you, sweetheart. Sorry for that. But it is true. He is smarter, more reliable, more gentle, more polite. More and more…than you.
I fell in love with him.
At least, he is younger. When I come back to London, I realize that you are old and ugly.
But I did not say that to you. I don’t want to hurt you. I pretend that I still love you.
And today you makes the tea spilt out of the cup.
You became even more expensive.
5.10 pounds for the day travel card. How dare you! How halirious you are!
For the love we had in the last 3 months, I DEMAND you to change. Otherwise, I will choose another guy. That is the bus, who has been waiting for me patiently. He is still there for me, whole night, whole day. He said his love would never change.
Sweetie, this is the last warning. If you don’t change, I will leave you.
All my rest love to you – my dearest tube system of Londo