Những đứa trẻ đến trường

Nếu hỏi tôi mong muốn điều gì nhất, tôi sẽ nói mình mong tất cả những đứa trẻ đều được đến trường học một cách vui vẻ, hạnh phúc; các em được gặp bạn bè, thầy cô mà không phải lo lắng là ngày mai, cha mẹ chúng có thể hết tiền, và chúng phải ở nhà.

Những bất ổn trong mỗi gia đình, xã hội đều xuất phát từ nền tảng giáo dục bất ổn. Những vụ cướp của, giết người (mà bây giờ ở thành phố lớn người ta đã dùng thành “giết người cướp của rồi”. Ví dụ chặt tay cướp điện thoại đây hay giết người cướp xe đây. Tất cả đều đang khiến người dân bình thường khiếp hãi. Tội phạm ở các thành phố lớn thì ở đâu cũng có, nhưng tính tàn độc như vậy thì không nhiều.

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Journalism fellowship in Singapore open for applications

Journalists from Asia are invited to apply for a fellowship at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. The fellowship runs from February 7 to April 29, and the deadline to apply is October 4.

The program is designed to give fifteen journalists the opportunity to work with other professionals in Singapore’s public sector, business community and civil society. Fellows will be provided accommodation, airfare and a monthly stipend.

Applicants should have at least five years of working experience, and be proficient in English. Print, radio, television, online and freelance journalists are welcome to apply.

Applications are now open

Submit your details via email or fax. Ensure you have all the necessary documents in addition to meeting the criteria for application.

Deadline for submission: 4th October 2010.


Applicants should have at least five years of working experience as journalists and possess potential for leadership and management within the profession or organisation.

Applicants should be residing in Asia. Preference is given to those working for Asian media organisations.

Applicants can be working in any medium — print, radio, television or online. Freelancers are welcome to apply if they are primarily engaged in news or current affairs journalism.

Journalists working in non-English media are welcome to apply, but must show proficiency in English through a telephone interview, as English is the working language of the programme.

Applications from journalists in full-time positions must be accompanied by a letter of support from employers, stating that the applicant would be released for the full period of the fellowship, from 7th February to 29th April 2011.

How to Apply

Deadline for application

All the required documents must reach the Wee Kim Wee School no later than 4th October 2010.

Required documents

  • Completed application form. (Download Application Form)
  • Employer’s letter of support, providing consent for leave from 7th February to 29th April 2011. (Download Sample Letter)
  • 2 letters of recommendation.
  • 3-5 samples of past work.

Sending your application

By mail:

Asia Journalism Fellowship

c/o Ms Naowarat Narula

Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information

Nanyang Technological University

31 Nanyang Link

Singapore 637718

By e-mail:

[email protected] * If you e-mail the application, you should receive an automated response; if not, you may need to resend it.

By fax:

(65) 6792 7526 * If you use fax, please email [email protected] to alert us that you have done so.

Selection Process

The application materials will be reviewed by a panel of academics from the Wee Kim Wee School and experienced journalists. Potential applicants will be contacted for a phone interview. Successful applicants will be notified by 20th October 2010. Only successful applicants will be contacted.