The Shorenstein Center Fellowship Program

The Shorenstein Center Fellowship Program offers an opportunity for outstanding journalists and scholars to spend a semester at Harvard University, where they can share their knowledge and expertise in a collegial and intellectually stimulating environment. The mission of the fellowship program is to advance research in the field of press, politics and public policy; provide an opportunity for reflection; facilitate a dialogue among scholars, journalists and policymakers; and create a vibrant and long-lasting community.

Since 1986 the Center has hosted more than 200 visiting journalists and scholars. They have traveled from around the world and across the United States. Papers and books by former fellows have added significantly to the body of work on press and politics. Fellows’ papers have been published as articles in journals such as Foreign Affairs and the Columbia Journalism Review, and have formed the basis for longer books.

Fellows participate in the Center’s seminars and conferences, attend public lectures and explore cultural and intellectual offerings at Harvard. The Shorenstein Center creates opportunities for its fellows to interact with fellows, students, and faculty from other Harvard programs. Each Shorenstein fellow is assigned a student assistant to facilitate their research, and participates in special activities for students and fellows.

Course Invitation: Environmental Journalism Course

–  focusing coastal and marine issues

 Inviting journalists from Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia

 Date: Dec 6th – 17th 2010

 Place: Bangkok and Coastal areas in South Thailand

 Last day for application: 22 October

 Fojo Media institute in Sweden and South East Asia START Regional Center in Thailand are happy to invite journalists from Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam to apply for a course focusing coastal and marine environment.

 The course will provide some of the basic tools in covering environmental issues, with special emphasis on the coastal and marine environment. Local, regional aspects as well as the global context will be analyzed and discussed.

 Methods of planning and develop environmental reporting will also be a vital part of the course.

 It will be two intensive intense weeks based on study visits and field trips to Gulf of Thailand and Andaman coastal areas, and practical workshops. The participants will get access to a wide spectrum of engaged people, with different perspectives. From scientists to local villagers and stake holders.

 Impacts of human activities on the coastal and marine environment will be presented and discussed and the opportunities and benefits provided by the coastal and marine environment will be highlighted.

 During the two weeks the course will also focus how to get access to and analyze scientific information. As well as how to create journalism out of science and how to make it interesting to common people.

 The course will also provide an opportunity for participating journalists to interact with colleagues in the region, scientists and experts involved in environmental and coastal challenges.

 The course language will be English. It is therefore important that applicants are fluent in the language. As there will be field trips, suitable clothes, footwear and physical fitness are necessary.

 Financial support in terms of return ticket, meals and accommodation will be provided to the selected participants.

 Kindly observe that the final application date is 22 October!

 For application form, please contact:

 [email protected]