Just finished reading a wonderful book about online journalism. “Web Journalism – Pratice and Promise of a New Medium”. Love it!!!! Wanted to buy it. Wanted to own it. But then it is expensive for me at the moment.
Thinking of jotting down some good websites about online journalism, so that I won’t forget.
1/ Online journalism review (www.ojr.org): A must visit regularly spot for those interested in journalism on the web.
2/ Poynter Institute (www.poynter.org): exellent website for everything related to journalism.
3/ W3 Consortium (www.w3.org): it is a forum for information, commerce, communication and collective understanding.
4/ Jakob Neilson (www.useit.com): Neilson is a guru of web writing and usability. Who else do you need to read about?
5/ CyberJournalist.net (www.cyberjournalist.net): It is a service of the Media Center at the American Press Institute.
6/ Editor and Publisher (www.editorandpublisher.com): It deals with technology printing and web publishing to the ethics of newsgathering.
7/ News Directions for News (www.newsdirectionsfornews.com): The name sounds cool, huh? It is based in Minneapolish in assocaition with the University of Minnesota.
8/ Online News Association (www.journalists.org):
9/ J.D.Lasica’s Online Journalism site (www.well.com/user/jd/webjournalism.html): Lasica is one of the leading thinkers and writers about online journalism.
10/EPN World Reporter (www.epnworld-reporter.com): Online magazine for journalists, editors and photographers.
11/ Consumer webwatch (www.consumerwebwatch.org): Focusese on online credibility.
12/ Contentious.com (www.contentious.com): Simply a useful and up-to-date material for the web writer.
13/ American Copy Editors Society (www.copydesk.org): It is a professional organization of copy editors in America.
14/ The Slot (www.theslot.com): It has numbers of enjoyable and useful sections, including an explantion of what a “slot” is.
15/ Souleyes (www.souleyes.com): Photos on the web!!!
16/ Musarium (www.journale.com): partnership with MSNBC.
18/ News website photo galleries (www.nytimes.com/pages/multimedia/index.html) and (www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/photo)
19/ Society for News Deign (www.snd.org)
20/ Cartoons (www.slate.com) or (www.ucomics.com) or (sfgate.com)
21/ National Association of Broadcasters (www.nab.org)
22/ Radio and Television News Directors Association (www.rtnda.org)
23/ National Public Radio (www.npr.org)
24/ Sensible Internet (smallinitiativies.com):
25/ Adrian Holovaty weblog (www.holovaty.com)
26/ Pew Internet and American Life Project (www.pewinternet.org)
27/ Nielsen/NetRatings (www.nielsen-netratings.com)
28/ Gigalaw (www.gigalaw.com): Web and Internet legal issues
29/ Wired (www.wired.com)
What makes you smart: “It turns out that the real secret to success in the information aga is what is always was – reading, writing and arithmetic, church, synagogue and mosque, the rule of law and good governance. The Internet can make you smarter, but it cant make you smart”
(Thomas L.Firedman, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist for the New York Times, January 9, 2001)
(Bài viết 30.08.2007 19:44)
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