13,022 thoughts on “guy-speaking-04-600×400

  1. Phil Jackson is a legend. Exiting the game this way won’t do anything to take away from that. The man won 11 championships in 20 years of head coaching in the NBA. That is better than one title every other year. The Lakers could have missed the playoffs this year and it would not have put a dent in Phil’s legacy. So long Phil. Enjoy those long days in Montana. You have earned it.

  2. I’ll gear this review to 2 types of people: current Zune owners who are considering an upgrade, and people trying to decide between a Zune and an iPod. (There are other players worth considering out there, like the Sony Walkman X, but I hope this gives you enough info to make an informed decision of the Zune vs players other than the iPod line as well.)

  3. poussin c’est cool , il y a plein de lien TVU pour une fois !!!! qualité assurer pour ceux qui cherche un lien pour ce soir . suffit juste de télécharger le .exe et trouver la bonne chaine . avis au amateur !! ricardo > mdr , oui c’est sûr !!! il y a du jus explosif à revendre dans cette équipe .

  4. no offence Arhi, dar am cel putin odata pe luna texte cu “propietarii” de locuri de parcare de la mine de la bloc si din jur, ca na nu gasesti intotdeauna la botul blocului loc liber.De obicei sunt rationamente concentrice de genul,el: – nu mai parca ca e locul meu,eu: e platit la adp? –el: nu dar eu am “grija de el”,eu – pai daca nu e platit……el: muta masina e locul meu…

  5. Zajímavý názor. Nikdy mě nenapadlo se dívat na bisexualitu jako na nutnost takovéhle rovnováhy.Do jmenované diskuze jsem se také vyjádřila. Bohužel ne za zcela střízliva. Teď (ne že by se něco změnilo-víno je zdravé) bych se vyjádřila parafrází nevadil by mi sex s mužem, ale plnohodnotný vztah ne. Že by homosexuál s otevřenou myslí, nebránící se změně? ;)Možná se jen mé podvědomí nedokáže stále zbavit pocitu viny ze zklamání, které působím rodině.

  6. Julia comentou em 14 de setembro de 2011 às 22:50. Oiii Julia!Qual o nome dessa sombra bem clarinha que você usou no começo? Estou procurando uma nesse tom …Muito obrigada!E o make está lindo!!!!!!!!! Bjss

  7. Paul, there's actually a growing Muslim power rising in Latin America, just not being reported muchAnonymous, in the Arab world tribal bonds can be stronger than religious ones, but it depends on which part of the middle east is being dealt withwith Islamization though, even the Sabbahs will be nothing more than pawns for the likes of Hamas

  8. Still buggy and flawed? From the install and test I did – yes.The support site is minimal. The forus has tons of questions without any good response.The bad rep this product has is obvious to anyone willing to do the research.That the team is working to turn all that around is comendable – but they’ve got a big hole to did their way out of. Good luck.

  9. //இரு பிரிவினரிடையே அடித்துக் கொள்கிறீர்கள் என்றால் ஒருத்தருக்கொருத்தர் அடித்துக்கொண்டு சாகுங்களேன்.. ஏன் எங்கள் உயிரை வாங்குகிறீர்கள்?//காவி பயங்கரவாதிகள் முஸ்லிம்களைக் கொன்றது ஏதோ முஸ்லிம்களுக்கான தனிப்பட்ட பிரச்சனை அல்ல. இது ஜனநாயகத்திற்கும் மனித உரிமைகளுக்கும் மொத்த சமூகத்துக்குமே எதிரான பிரச்சனை. காவிகளுக்கு எதிராக நாம் திரண்டெழுந்து போராடாமல் ‘நமக்கென்ன ஆச்சà001000¯â€™ என்று இருக்கும் வரை குண்டு வைப்பவனை கேள்வி கேட்கும் அருகதை நமக்கு இல்லையோவென தோன்றுகிறது.

  10. J’aie été reellement abasordie d,apprendre la nouvelle vendredi apres diner.Toute une DAME que l’on vient de perdre.Il y aura qu’une ANDRÉE BOUCHER.Cette nouvelle ma vraiment bouleversée,je pensais meme a une farce de mauvais gout.Toute mes sympathie M.Boucher ainsi qu’a vos proches,qu’elles douleurs de perdre une si grande DAME pour vous, les enfants, et petitsenfants. Je vous offre mes sympathies, du courage a vous tous.Ginette de Riviere du loup.

  11. Oh wspaniale go ubrałeś- w sam raz na jesienne spacery Madziulka kalendarze doszły- dziękuję Jednak dokonałam wspaniałego wyboru, bo ten ze słonecznikami jest prześliczny Teraz już się zaczynam zastanawiać, czy go mieć w pracy, czy w domu

  12. [Gracie Mansion had her first show in her apartment bathroom around the toilet."Gracie Mansion"??? An artist who took her name from the mayor's residence?]I confess I feel rather remote from this person (Wojnarowicz. Is it pronounced Voy-na-RO-vich?). But I'm always interested in hearing about your heroes and influences, Doug.If there has to be suffering, then let there be art to come out of it.But please Lord, an end to such suffering! (esp by children)

  13. , lets have a look at greece: Many people commit suicide because they are so poor that they can’t afford living, especially not caring for their own families. Parents abandon their children because they can’t afford to care for them any longer and hope that they are better of in state driven children homes.Yet I would expect that a society and state taking care of its citizen would not allow those things to happen. I guess there’s something very, very wrong…

  14. Ich hätte, liebe Phyllis, eher gedacht, daß “Entrümplung” das Wort wäre, das aus der Textur am Ende herausfällt. Tja, Entrüstung!? Den Schutzpanzer von sich werfen und sich dem Kampf stellen, das macht anfällig, da haben Sie recht, doch ist es sicher immer noch besser, denke ich, als in seiner Rüstung festzufaulen. Schließlich ist Bewegung alles!Mit herzlichen Grüßen aus der Großstadt,Norbert

  15. I love the trend toward more basics. I’ve seen so many flashy collections and always wondered at what I could do with them. You see something cool, buy it, and then it sits on your shelf waiting for the right project (which may never come along). I love the trend toward fabrics that will work with many projects–the versatility is so nice, and you don’t feel like “oh that is so dated”.

  16. aki poliziálni szeretne, az társalogjon a kalózpárt lehetséges szerepéről az EP-ben, vagy hogy ez miért jó, és kinek és kinek nem, de egyéb politikai jellegű, témához nem tartozó okoskodásoknak itt nincs helye. az egymás hülyézése is hasonló kategória, cseréljetek msn-címet és ott mehet, innentől az ilyeneket töröljük köszi

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