13,195 thoughts on “guy-speaking-04-600×400

  1. Bonjour Fabrice,je fais ce que je peux et à mon tout petit niveau. Je suis je trouve encore plus spectateur qu’acteur, mais j’essaie d’inverser la tendance petit à petit !J’adhère à la LPO et à l’APAS, je pense que c’est un minimum.A bientôt.P.S : je ne laisse pas souvent de commentaires sur ton blog pour tes photos, mais je prends toujours autant de plaisir à les regarder !

  2. No huh huh.. Tästä sainkin hyvän(?) syyn kaivaa lääväni syövereistä wanhan cunnon Soldier of Fortunen, jossa sai muistaakseni lahdata afrikkalaisia ja musulmaaneja ja jaappaanialaisia sekä myös, tasapuolisuuden nimissä tietenkin, uusnatseja niin paljon kuin huvitti. Ruumiit sai ihan normaalisti silpoa ja kyyristelevät siviilitkin pystyi teloittamaan täysin vapaasti, paitsi jos olit Jenkkilässä, jossa yhdenkin spurgun vahingonomainen tappo riitti tehtävän epäonnistumiseen.. Huikea peli. 🙂

  3. Hello,Please could someone tell me what's happened to the subscription center. Now when I look at my subscriptions only a handful of the newest videos show up, none of the 'older' ones…I'm missing watching SO many videos at the moment, and as I have quite a lot of subscriptions, it's not really feasible for me to click on every single one just to find out if they have added a new one. Please can something be done about this and put things back as they were? Pretty please?Thanks.

  4. Felicidades Jose! En estos meses de descubrimientos dentro de los blogs sabes de sobra que el tuyo ha sido de los más importantes. Y luego ya ver una aparición estelar en #murciadivulga te elevó a categoria de mito No sé cuantas visitas tendrá el post de la fertilización, te aseguro que más de 10 son mías (ya sabes dónde nos toca ir)Un abrazo, Juanjo

  5. « Le nombre de voyageurs descendus dans une gare ne peut être supérieur au nombre de voyageurs existant dans le train au départ de la gare précédente. »Circulaire S.N.C.F., 1952Et l’insecte voy(ag)eur de soutenir mordicul qu’ils sont nombrables !

  6. Message on the forum: If you work less hard than white people, you're lazy. If you work harder than white people, you're gaming the system. Good to know!Message from the Yellows: All Ur Base Belongs To Us; we lock you out of our Base – if you lock us out of yours (or mention how we lock you out of yours), you raciss!

  7. 17fDear KarenHave you any suggestion for applying together with our spouse!! My husband and I are planning to attend in a same school. how should we contact with the potential supervisor?? Do we have to mention this in our first email? Do we have to send emails separately?? How can we improve our chance to get admitted in same place???

  8. It is elementry …dear watson…the electric breast pump is the perfect accessory to ensure that not only is there a little respite for mum from time to time, but dad, grandma, grandpa and auntie katie will all get a turn as well…so if e=mc2 …electric breast pump = spoilt little one and happy mum…

  9. It never made sense to me how anyone could argue that instability is good for kids. After being at my middle school for almost a decade, I knew the community, the kids, their parents, aunties and cousins. They also knew me & knew my reputation. I didn’t have to “prove” myself like I did the first couple of years as a newbie teacher. Kids loved coming back and seeing that their teachers were still there. The sad reality for teaching in a high poverty school is that sometimes we are the only constant in their lives.

  10. Ne on kyllä sööttejä ja aika ärhäköitä pikkuisia riidanhaastajia 🙂 Eivät myöskään piittaa vaikka ollaan muksujen kanssa pihalla pitämässä mekkalaa. Muut pysyvät sen aikaa visusti piilossa 😉

  11. If it is the starch that bothers you, then rinsing the millet (after cooking it) might help because it does wash away a noticeable amount of starch. Have you tried quinoa? That is my favorite grain, easy to cook, and it doesn’t seem too starchy.

  12. Brett curious how many years you think before Cubs seriously contend with the Cardinals? Thy have what we are looking for, many layers of developed talent and a payroll that allows them to keep what they want and go get free agents to fill in the blanks. They lost the series but pretty impressive organization.

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