12,601 thoughts on “guy-speaking-04-600×400

  1. I’m going to turn the tables and offer some suggestions to you and other science communicators. First, stop pissing off scientists.It is rather ironic that the framing proponents appear to have failed so spectacularly in the framing of their proposals to their supposed audience.

  2. Hi,What camera would you recommend for a user who is huge into water recreation? I am enrolled in a study abroad this summer where I will be scuba diving, sea kayaking, black water rafting, as well as plenty of time hiking. I need something that can handle the water and I’m guessing a little bit of a beating.Thanks

  3. John, a list that rings true to many people. The second you say “I can’t afford that” is the second you can’t!What people need to get into the habit of doing is converting their limiting beliefs into enabling beliefs, and using the above as an example, the correct format of this would be”How can I afford that?” This will then allow your mind to actually switch on its fantastic search function and you will find a way!Great post!Alan Turner recently posted..

  4. Well 24 seven, there are supervisors all over the place that are paid many dollars to run the State of New Jersey.There are always mangaers in charge. I am sure the people that were away could always be reached by way of email or cell phone. Also texting etc.In 2010 communication is done by these means. I like the old school way but the world is changeing.

  5. Mike,my dad told us the about the accident between a VW and a Henway when we were kids and when all my brothers and myself asked What’s a Henway he delivered the punchline.45 years later I still recall falling for it like it was yesterday.

  6. Kristen, thank you SO much for taking the time to post all your ideas and experiences! So great! I learned so much just from reading these and am ready to conquer my first wholesale show!! I agree that booth etiquette is VERY important – essentially you are representing your company's brand, so you want to make it a good one!

  7. I would imagine it's a simple case of only testing those who would do well. I also surmise that the Chinese government or perhaps even the US government finds it efficacious to present the Chinese as the pinnacle of human evolution. In the real world, however, something obviously isn't adding up. The Chinese aren't a superior people achieving superior outcomes in any measure of quality of life (as a people). Most of the rest of us still wouldn't want to be Chinese.

  8. it will be the same thing, except a good deal worsebut as long as the Israeli leadership is too weak or leftist, and the Israeli public remains unwilling to elect people who will actually fight terror… instead of leftist generals and likud princes, the whole thing will continue

  9. is it just me or did Taft come off as extremely creepy? It just seemed like he was trying too hard.. how about at the end: “If you see me, come taaalk to me!” ~leans towards the camera with big eyes~I don’t think this debate won him any votes. I agree with the previous statment: Hinman and Mason are the big winners here.

  10. Il vittimismo di Bertone lo rende sempre meno credibile! In Europa si può diventare Santi per mille cause, ma non per il Martirio inflitto da imperatori crudeli!Certe lagne sono un insulto ai tanti Cattolici nel mondo davvero perseguitati!Bertone sa benissimo che costoro potranno salvarsi solo con la pressione di un’opinione pubblica che vive le idee laiche di tolleranza e libertà religiosa.Credo che sia ora, per il Papa, di dire Stop al profluvio di banalità e gaffe bertoniane, e di cambiare Segretario di Stato!

  11. A veces se lanzan cebos y no pica nada… En este caso ha sido así, asi que, permitid una nueva referencia a Don Antonio, ya no a sus Cantares, sino a sus muchos caminos andados, porque la unica manera de saber dónde pisar es haber andado muchos caminos, navegado cien mares y atracado en cien riberas. Asi, conociendo a las gentes que alli habitan, entendiendo sus motivaciones, es como podemos sortear los pedruscos y construir los caminos.

  12. Yes, Steph did start her riding in Salmon Arm on a little horse Called Teckela, She was no bigger than the horse herself, continued on with several ponies. We are so proud of her,have travelled many miles to watch her grow with her persutes. Nan

  13. mandate fakemail a volontà!! con minacce di tutti i tipi… è un social engineering fatto male e troppo demenziale.. io penso la gente che ci casca dev’essere proprio ritardata e ignorante… in tutti i casi MANDATEGLI MONNEZZA A VOLONTà così magari gli passa la voglia di fare il lamer

  14. As soon as I discovered this website I went on reddit to share some of the love with them. “So far as I can remember, there is not one word in the Gospels in praise of intelligence.” by Bertrand Russell.

  15. By 23 March, 2012 – 16:27Like the stalker I am, I read all the posts and felt a little saddened to think that it was so long ago.I’m moving on Saturday so it would be nice to catch up over the phone soon.Not tonight though – I’m getting pissed with Matt and a few others from work.Love you!Lizxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  16. Bardzo fajny artykul. Brakuje takich blogow. Sama jestem trenerem i szukam takich.blogow aby sobie poczytac i powymieniac sie doswiadczeniami. Brakuje mi tylko jeszcze jednego powodu, czemu jesz slodycze. Moze dlatego ze masz Candide przewodu pokarmowego. Wiele osob nawet nie wiem ze ja ma.A warto to zbadac.Pozdrawiam.

  17. I wonder if the public would have been more inclined to pay for it – or demand that the congress fund it – if the shuttle program had been more in-your-face visible, the way the flight you saw was. An image on TV doesn’t touch us the way the real thing does.

  18. As the AL coach I will say Ok thank you and follow up immediately with “can you ask/rephrase your question now” I beleive the intervention will hel to cut further long speech and make the member ask his question at that point.

  19. ci sono riflessi chiari sugli alberi. c'è di mezzo un vetro, una finestra. dovrebbe essere quindi qualcosa presente sul vetro, anche perchè le dimensioni sarebbero molto elevate se paragonate alla casa in costruzione

  20. No, certo le vibrazioni di un’automobile non sono sufficienti in generale. Forse in qualche caso particolare (ad esempio un camion su un ponte) potrebbe succedere.A volte ho visto delle forti raffiche di vento (sono triestino 😉 causare spegnimenti a catena.

  21. Grandissimo spunto per postare foto di gnocca! Ah… gli uomini…Comunque sono anch'io del parere che le tizie in foto non pesano sicuramente 50kg, anzi, ce ne sono un paio veramente in carne.Che poi siano sode e liscie… spe che torno a guardare bene le foto, per motivi puramente scientifici eh…

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