12,669 thoughts on “guy-speaking-04-600×400

  1. kathy h – WOW!!! Hope, I love the pictures can’t wait to see the rest Dana did a great job. You and Joe have that sparkle in your eyes thats wonderful to see after 20 years I’m sure it will be sparking for the next 20 and many more . All our love KathyFebruary 9, 2011 – 9:32 pm

  2. November 30, 2012 – 3:15 pm Thanks for all the comments, everyone, and for understanding the overall point I’m trying to make. I saw a few tweets and G+ shares where people seem to think I’m seriously suggesting 2:37 pm on Sundays is when everyone I should post. Whoops! Maybe I didn’t make my sarcasm clear enough, or maybe they’re being sarcastic and I missed it.Anyway, just promise me that you’ll all know better the next time someone tries to sell some perfect time to post articles, or status updates, or whatever.

  3. பாலா எனுà®®் பயந்தாà®™்கொள்ளி நாயே!நீ செத்து போய்விட்டாயா?உனக்கு தைà®°ியம் இருந்தால் வா என்னோடு à®®ோதலாà®®்.சாபங்களில் பகுத்தறிவாளர்களுக்கு நம்பிக்கையில்லை. ஆனால், மத நம்பிக்கை உள்ளவர்களுக்கு அதில் அதீத நம்பிக்கை உள்ளது. ஆகவே நாà®®ெல்லோà®°ுà®®் பாலா போன்à®± இழிபிறவிகளை “செத்துப்போ!” என சபிப்போà®®்!;-D

  4. Nicolas, it takes a big person to admit their mistakes publicly like this. I know I’ve made my own share of them. But I hope that by “concentrating on one-way links” means that you’re going to 1) stop spamming and 2) do your research before you email someone for a link exchange. One-way, reciprocal, three-way links, it doesnt matter really, it was your technique that sucks.

  5. I want to be able to track fapturbo’s automated trades and show up on my myfxbook.com. However, metatrader 4 only works with 1 EA at a time. If I have Fapturbo on my chart, then I can’t add myfxbook EA on the same chart. What can I do?is typing stuff manually the only way?

  6. Ja, man mag es kaum glauben Ich weiß ja nicht, wie das bei Euch ist, aber bei uns wird ein Fahrzeug rund 6 – 7 Jahre alt, bevor es ersetzt wird. Und da erst ein neuer Hersteller für die Carlsbox gesucht werden musste, hat es eben nach Erhalt des neuen Autos auch noch ein paar Monate gedauert, bis es endlich bei uns funktioniert hat.

  7. It’s not only boy scouts, that are guilty. Anyone who ever had a Carlsberg beer might as well start practicing the goose-step as ! proves:(Scroll down a bit to see the labels. Click on the pix for larger images.)

  8. “Ciekawe czy pod KÅ‚uszynem stanie pomnik Żółkiewskiego?”Obstawiam, że nie. Rosjanie nie muszÄ… siÄ™ nam podlizywać. To przecież nasz rzÄ…d uprawia politykÄ™ miÅ‚oÅ›ci. pozdrawiam

  9. När du importerar din RSS-fil ska alla inlägg i den filen hamna bland dina övriga inlägg (”Redigera”->”Inlägg”) och visas pÃ¥ din blogg.

  10. Maria:Existe uma TVI normal??? ☺Salvoconduto:É para o que servem…Caim:Fala quem sabe! ☺Anamar:Falta pluralismo, palavra desconhecida para aquelas bandas.Antuã:Sei lá… de vez em quanto dizem as horas… o dão o boletim meteorológico…Hilário:Eles não se cansam de repetir… para não termos dúvidas.Aristides:…nem volto a ver!Lúcia:Era uma ideia… as mães.Cs:Boa técnica! ☺Abreijos.

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  12. davvero non sapevo cosa facesse, a 30″ fa il click dell’otturatore, pensavo scattasse più foto per sommarle ma non si vedono interruzioni nella strisciata dell’iridium quindi ero totalmente nel pallone. Dark frame, ecco come tiene a bada il rumore!Ne ho modificata una mettendo le etichette alle stelle, e ne ho ritagliata una in modo di uplodarla a 1:1.

  13. Indeed, a timely article, for I was thinking about stances just this morning, though certainly not their shamanistic aspects. However, this doesn’t surprise me, because when you assume a stance, or for that matter practice a form, you become something other than yourself. I’ve seen it many times – normally quite, good-natured people who become another person when practicing a form. It’s a movement that conjures the spirit warrior within.

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