12,787 thoughts on “guy-speaking-04-600×400

  1. There is a large section of the community who see bug hunting for money as a diss and are not interested in it and will not associate with any company offering money.This programme won't help your plight, but send people walking further away.Google should not be limiting their scope to draw in good bug hunters, but this is exactly the effect offering money will have.This is not in the best interest of security.Andrew

  2. Since when was modest synonymous with ugly? I actually thing the burquini is the most stylish of these pics. All I can say about the others is ewwww. I’m all about modesty, but it can be found in the Eddie Bauer catalog in the form of swim shorts and full coverage tops. If you really want to cover up try Ohana Swimwear. It’s pretty darn modest but has a great athletic look that doesn’t make you look like a dork.

  3. Ya… Ariel kan memang sudah terkenal…..Kalau ga terkenal sama sekali ada cara lain….Buat sites.. tentang anda.. kemudian dengan google adwords nah.. beli keyword agar orang buka sites anda yang walau ga ada hubungannya gapp tapi ga gratis tapi itu sungguan bisa ..

  4. Its a very apparent correlation between 1917 Russia and todays US/Europe. As always, the jews were/are heavily involved.Many people who have blogs/vids are still unaware of this because they havent investigated it,hence they come up with these overly esoteric theories. And some are just trying to divert attention away from the real source.They call them parasites for good reason. They leech onto the belly of the entity that exposes them.

  5. Oh wow, this is amazing Mandy, beautiful colouring and details. I just love it. Lol at you colouring in the wee hours of the morning, I find it hard to stay in the lines at the best of times, god only knows what would happen if I started doing my colouring during the night ;-). Love the crocheted items x

  6. Les Etats européens devraient s’effacer mais pas l’Angleterre ni les USA ??La défense européenne serait donc privatisée et mise sous tutelle américaine ?Le contribuables français et allemands auraient donc payé encore à perte ??Par ailleurs, les députés allemands débattent, font une enquête…en France ??RIEN.Pourtant c’est apparemment la France qui est dans le collimateur et serait giclée la première….et on a encore l’impression que dans « le couple franco-allemand », c’est Merkel qui décidera.

  7. Hi Miss Mardrag… I have talked to some younger than me and it seems true for many that we start out our adult lives feeling the need to fulfill a purpose. Being 200 yrs old now though, I find my purpose all along was and is to make others’ lives a little better. The unique part of course is how to achieve that. A doctor would make health better, a banker would help financially, parents would help kids learn to be productive adults, etc. And sometimes just making a harried store clerk smile does it for me.

  8. about “feelings lie!” This made me realize that although I didn’t know it, I’ve kind of been taking the “boot camp” approach with my fitness goals and the “baby steps” approach in my writing. And that’s been because the fitness side of things is where my “feelings lie,” and where I need more of a drill sargaent approach to get anywhere. With writing, I truly love and WANT to reach for my goals. My feelings don’t lie there, even if they sometimes do get a bit squashed by life’s nuttiness!

  9. la actuación de Janowicz ya es consagratoria, gane o no la final, pero aunque es MS, por lo ya comentado es un MS con peros y es una semana en su vida tenística, donde ha dejado claro que le va muy bien la carpeta indoor,veremos el próximo año como rinde en hard outdoor, en clay y en cesped para tener el cuadro completo,de todos modos la alegría ya es solo suya, felicitaciones al pibe que asoma!slds

  10. OMG! Do you know if the grey top on the 5th and the jacket on the 7th picture are also from this collection? Can't find it on the official adidas website.. please answer! I have to buy this lovely stuff! 😀 Thanks so much! <3

  11. Hi Andrea,I don’t know if you got my note the other day. An American Ege to a possible relative in Germany. Beautiful work, every photo is a work of art. If you’d like we could exchange some information. My wife Karen and I are located in Moline Illinois on the banks of the Mississippi River. If you know anything about your ancestry we could see if we are remotely related.It might be interesting. I’ll send my brother your web site he does face book and is an atrist he’ll be interested.Best RegardsFrank Ege

  12. Ha! That's funny. Kenny usually does the same thing to me. I have a post in my que and he goes and blogs it first, all the time. I always know how I feel now I know what Kenny feels. LOL Looking forward to meeting you at Orange.

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